PORTSMOUTH, JULY 1.—The Petersfield Friendly Society, established in the year 1803, celebrated the anniversary on the 24th instant, according to custom, at eleven o'clock; the members, preceded by the Alton Band under the able direction of Mr Isaacs, marched in procession to the parish church, where prayers were impressively read by the Rev. M Maurice, and a very affectionate and eloquent discourse was delivered from the seventh chapter of St John, 30 seconds and 38 verses, by the Rev. ——Boyle. Several pieces of sacred music were excellently performed by the choir; after service they returned through the town to the Fighting Cocks Inn, where an excellent dinner, embracing every delicacy of the season, was provided in the respected hostess's, Mrs Pearson's, best style, the desert and wines were also genuine. The society, which is very strong, we are obliged to divide into six branches; the day was, as usual, devoted to conviviality, which was kept up with great glee and spirit; several admired pieces of music were scientifically executed by the band, which received great applause. Mr Woolfe, of Portsea, who has always been the life and soul towards the amusements of the society, and who never omits attending, exerted his endeavours on this particular occasion, with his usual skill, elicited, as he deservedly merited, the general and warmest approbation of all present. Mr Pince, the talented clerk of this, and also of the Buriton Friendly Society, received universal thanks for his active services, which he acknowledged in a very appropriate address. Numerous loyal and appropriate toasts, with tears; several gentlemen addressed the company, and many popular songs and recitations were introduced, amusements were kept up with great spirit, and the members departed highly gratified with the pleasures and enjoyments of the festive day.