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The Genealogy of the Culbertson Family



Male 1855 - 1933  (78 years)

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  • Name John CULBERTSON 
    Birth 18 Feb 1855  Sligo, Eire Find all individuals with events at this location 
    17 Jul 1889 Birth Certificate for Robert Bryan Culbertson
    17 Jul 1889 Birth Certificate for Robert Bryan Culbertson
    Parents John & Florence (née Schütz) Culbertson
    Gender Male 
    Death 18 Dec 1933  Anglesea Road, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    18 Dec 1933 Death Certificate for John Culbertson aged 77 years
    18 Dec 1933 Death Certificate for John Culbertson aged 77 years
    Informant Robert Bryan Culbertson (son)
    30 January 1934 Probate granted re Will of John Culbertson who died 18 Dec 1933
    30 January 1934 Probate granted re Will of John Culbertson who died 18 Dec 1933
    Granted to widow Florence Culbertson (née Schütz)
    Burial 1934  Culbertson MIs All Saints Church, Ramsden Rd, Orpington, Kent Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    • Photos of grave & plaque inside church to his memory
    Person ID I12  Culbertson Genealogy
    Last Modified 11 May 2023 

    Father Robert CULBERTSON, J.P.,   b. Est 1810   d. 9 May 1862, 'Avena', Ballisadare, Sligo, Eire Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 52 years) 
    Mother Agnes HARVEY,   b. 12 Aug 1822   d. 3 Oct 1868, 'Avena', Ballisadare, Sligo, Eire Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 46 years) 
    Marriage 9 Jun 1849  St Mary's Church, Battersea Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    • Witnesses John Harvey, Helen Harvey, Adeleaide Harvey
      Believe the church is St Mary's Church Battersea Church Road
    • Marriage certificate shows:- Robert Culbertson, widower, merchant of Ballysodare, County of Sligo, father David Culbertson a merchant. Agnes Harvey, spinster of Lavender Hill, Battersea, father John Harvey a gentleman. Witnesses were John Harvey, Helen Harvey & Adelaide Harvey
    Family ID F7  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Florence SCHÜTZ,   b. 12 Sep 1859, Manchester, Lancaster Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 2 Mar 1951, 15 Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 91 years) 
    Marriage 6 Mar 1883  Darwen, Lancs Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5, 6
    • Marriage by licence of John Culbertson 28yrs, a grain merchant of 12 The Grove, Boltons, South Kensington, father Robert Culbertson a merchant
      Wife Florence Schütz 23yrs of Lowe Hill, Darwen.
      Witnessed by Sussannah Schütz & Eccles Shorrock (?) Junior
    • 1911 Census - Living at Avena, Anglesea Road, St Mary Cray, Kent. A private house with 10 rooms. Servant Gertrude Eden, aged 37yrs married for 18yrs, born in Claydon, Suffolk [7]
     1. John Murray Schütz CULBERTSON,   b. 27 Dec 1883, Anglesea Road, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 6 Feb 1946, Malling Place, West Malling, Kent Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 62 years)
     2. Robert Bryan CULBERTSON,   b. 17 Jul 1889, Anglesea Road, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Jan 1971, Royal Treloar Hospital, Alton, Hampshire Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 81 years)
     3. Christopher CULBERTSON,   b. 9 Dec 1894, Anglesea Road, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 21 Aug 1895, Anglesea Road, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
    Family ID F5  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2020 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 6 Mar 1883 - Darwen, Lancs Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 18 Dec 1933 - Anglesea Road, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - 1934 - Culbertson MIs All Saints Church, Ramsden Rd, Orpington, Kent Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Photos
    Group photo Murray Culbertson and his parents
    Group photo Murray Culbertson and his parents
    Family group Robert Bryan Culbertson & his parents
    Family group Robert Bryan Culbertson & his parents
    The Grove, The Boltons, London SW10
    The Grove, The Boltons, London SW10
    Home of John Culbertson & Robert Spencer Culbertson (half brothers)
    c. 1860 John Culbertson
    c. 1860 John Culbertson
    c. 1910 John Culbertson
    c. 1910 John Culbertson
    John Culbertson as a young boy
    John Culbertson as a young boy

    22 Dec 1883 Birth Certificate for John Murray Schütz Culbertson
    22 Dec 1883 Birth Certificate for John Murray Schütz Culbertson
    Parents John Culbertson and Florence (née Schütz)
    10 Feb 1847 Announcement of Death of John Culbertson
    10 Feb 1847 Announcement of Death of John Culbertson
    Limerick Chronicle
    6 Mar 1883 Marriage Register for Florence Schütz to John Culbertson at St John the Evangelist, Darwen, Lancashire
    6 Mar 1883 Groom to Florence Schütz
    Witnesses: Susannah Schütz, Eccles Shorrock junior
    Church endowed by the widow of Eccles Shorrock & demolished in 1974
    See https://lan-opc.org.uk/Darwen/stjohn/index.html
    6 Mar 1883 Newspaper Marriage Announcement for Florence Schütz to John Culbertson at St John’s, Darwen, Lancs.
    6 Mar 1883 Groom to Florence Schütz
    St John’s, Darwen demolished in 1974
    9 Mar 1883 Belfast News-Letter Marriage Announcement for Florence Schütz to John Culbertson at St John’s, Darwen, Lancs
    9 Mar 1883 Groom to Florence Schütz
    29 Oct 1921 Marriage Certificate for Violet Victoria Bolingbroke to Robert Bryan Culbertson at Parish Church, Hollington, Sussex
    29 Oct 1921 Witness to son Robert B’s marriage
    Witnesses: Frances Maud Packham, John Culbertson

  • Notes 
    • John CULBERTSON born 18-Feb-1855 at Avena, Sligo, Eire
    • Photo as a very young man (8-9yrs) dressed in breeches, taken by J.Nelson of Sligo, with "Uncle John, John Culbertson of Avena, St Mary Cray" written on back
    • Published in The Times newspaper, London, Wednesday, March 7, 1883 - Marriages. On the 6th inst., at St, John's, Darwen, Lancashire, JOHN CULBERTSON, Esq., of The Grove, Boltons, South Kensington, to FLORENCE SCHUTZ, of Norfolk-terrace, Bayswater.
    • Known as "Honest John" in the City where he was Secretary to the London Produce Clearing House.
    • He is recorded in the inquest papers for Robert Spencer Culbertson (see his page).
    • There is a plaque on the north wall of All Saints Church, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent where he was a church warden for 40 years.
    • Died at "Avena," Albert Road, St Mary Cray, Orpington.
    • Paper clipping
      Parishoners' Gift Mr John Culbertson, ex-Vicar's warden of Orpington Parish Church, has received a delightful gift from friends and parishioners. Last Saturday a revolving garden shelter was delivered at his residence, "as a token of esteem," and he agrees that the gift could not have been more happily chosen. Mr. Culbertson was born in 1855, and he and Mrs. Culbertson are enjoying a well-earned rest, in which they have the good wishes of their many friends. For 49 years they have resided at Avena, and of this period Mr. Culbertson was for 40 years Vicar's warden.
    • Paper clipping dated 22-Jul-1932
      Orpington Parish Church Gift to Mr. J. Culbertson Mr. John Culbertson, of Avena, Orpington, who resigned on March 31st the position of Vicar's warden at orpington parish Church, after 40 years' valuable service, was presented on Saturday with a revolving garden shelter. The gift came from the parishioners as a "token of respect and esteem," and for Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson's use in their retirement, the evening of their lives. A position in the garden at Avena has been set aside for the shelter, and on Monday Mr. F. Tremain's employees were completing the final erection of it. The shelter can be moved round to face the sun when shining from any point, and a feature is the us of Vita glass. When interviewed by the Kentish Times on Monday, Mr. Culbertson stated that the gift was an ideal one for him and his wife, and it was difficult for him to express his thanks to all his friends in the parish for their kindness.
    • To the Editor Dear Sir, May I be allowed space to return hearty thanks to all the kind friends who have presented me with a beautiful garden room, fully furnished and fitted with Vita glass. My wife and I will much enjoy its use and hope that anyone who would like to see it will just walk round the garden at any time when passing. Yours, &c., John Culbertson
    • Paper clipping with photograph. Forty Years Churchwarden Mr John Culbertson, who retired in April after being for forty years Vicar's Warden at Orpington Parish Church, was formally presented by the Bishop of Rochester on Friday with a garden house, an illuminated address, and a cheque, subscribed for by friends in the parish.
    • Paper clipping Mr John Culbertson The news of the death of Mr. John Culbertson was received with deep regret, for he was a man, who, in a life of service, had worked especially hard for the welfare of Orpington, the town of his adoption, throughout the past 50 years. His many kindly acts in the district earned for him the description "Peacemaker," while among his City business friends he was known as "Honest John" - two soubriquets which are eloquent testimony of the respect in which he was held. His work as Vicar's warden at orpington for 40 years will long be remembered, and last year a tribute was paid to him by the Bishop of Rochester, who said Mr. Culbertson did splendid service, and the parishioners of Orpington were extremely lucky that they ever had such a Churchman as John Culbertson among them for forty years. . . . He did not know what Mr. Culbertson's methods were, but he was a specialist in the management of Church accounts.
    • Paper clipping Late Mr. John Culbertson To the Editor Dear Sir, The passing of Mr. John Culbertson is a real loss to Orpington. His life of service has been an example to us all, and his death is a call to us to emulate that example. For forty years secretary of the London Produce Clearing House, where he was known to his friends as "honest John," associated with the H.A.C. for nearly fifty years, churchwarden of Orpington for forty years, under five successive Vicars - what a splendid record of service! He knew Orpington as a country village, and saw it grow into one of those large and important residential area which are springing up so rapidly round London. Nothing would have pleased him better than to know that some of the younger and newer residents in Orpington would follow in his footsteps, and, inspired by his genial spirit, carry on the duties which he had so near his heart; and although modern life becomes daily more complicated and more of a rush, there is no finer work than that which, by unostentaious and devoted service, he did to try and make the lives of those around him brighter. May the example he set and the happiness he gave encourage each one of us to go and do likewise. - Yours, &c., Waldron Smithers, Shelleys, Knockholt
    • Paper clipping Mr John Culbertson The news of the death of Mr. John Culbertson was received with deep regret, for he was a man, who, in a life of service, had worked especially hard for the welfare of Orpington, the town of his adoption, throughghout the past 50 years. His many kindly acts in the district earned for him the description "Peacemaker," while among his City business friends he was known as "Honest John" - two soubriquets which are eloquent testimony of the respect in whicch he was held. His work as Vicar's warden at orpington for 40 years will long be remembered, and last year a tribute was paid to him by the Bishop of Rochester, who said Mr. Culbertson did splendid service, and the parishioners of Orpington were extremely lucky that they ever had such a Churchman as John Culbertson among them for forty years. . . . He did not know what Mr. Culbertson's methods were, but he was a specialist in the management of Church accounts. [8]
    • Paper clipping Late Mr. John Culbertson To the Editor Dear Sir, The passing of Mr. John Culbertson is a real loss to Orpington. His life of service has been an example to us all, and his death is a call to us to emulate that example. For forty years secretary of the London Produce Clearing House, where he was known to his friends as "honest John," associated with the H.A.C. for nearly fifty years, churchwarden of Orpington for forty years, under five successive Vicars - what a splenndid record of service! He knew Orpington as a country village, and saw it grow into one of those large and important residential area which are springing up so rapidly round London. Nothing would have pleased him better than to know that some of the younger and newer residents in Orpington would follow in his footsteps, and, inspired by his genial spirit, carry on the duties which he had so near his heart; and although modern life becomes daily more complicated and more of a rush, there is no finer work than that which, by unostentaious and devoted service, he did to try and make the lives of those around him brighter. May the example he set and the happiness he gave encourage each one of us to go and do likewise. - Yours, &c., Waldron Smithers, Shelleys, Knockholt [8]
    • In Memoriam paper clipping reads CULBERTSON, John - December 18, 1933. Unfading memories to help and cheer life of perfect love and happiness with a man beloved by all who knew him. - F., M. and B. (Florence, Murray and Bryan) (Dated by hand 1945.)
    • In Memoriam paper clipping reads CULBERTSON, John - December 18, 1933. The years pass, but never dim my love and gratitude for over 50 years of happiness with a wonderful husband. - F.C. "Flowers daily bloom in my garden of memories." (Dated by hand 1944)
    • In Memoriam paper clipping reads CULBERTSON, John - December 18, 1933. Daily in memory, I treasure thoughts of your love and our 50 years of perfect happiness together. F.C. (Dated by hand 1946)
    • Buried in the NW corner of the church grounds. Shown aged 46, born Sligo living in Orpington, Kent & occ. Secretary to London Proline Clean(r?)ing House

  • Sources 
    1. [S445] Death - 1933-12-18 - John Culbertson, 18 Dec 1933 (Reliability: 3).

    2. [S497] Burial - 1934 - John Culbertson - All Saints Orpington, 1934 (Reliability: 3).

    3. [S142] Marr - 1849-06-09 - Agnes Harvey to Robert Culbertson, 9 Jun 1849 (Reliability: 3).

    4. [S269] Marr - 1883-03-07 - Florence Schutz to John Culbertson, 7 Mar 1883 (Reliability: 3).

    5. [S270] Marr - 1883-03-09 - Florence Schutz to John Culbertson, 9 Mar 1883 (Reliability: 3).

    6. [S271] Marr - 1883-03-06 - Florence Schutz to John Culbertson, 6 Mar 1883 (Reliability: 3).

    7. [S739] 1911 Census, 30 Jun 2010.

    8. [S726] File (merged): C:\users\crossover\My Documents\WebPages\glio.me.uk\gen\TNG\TNG_gedcom\Culbertson_Family TNG export.ged.

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