This web page will concentrate mainly on the genealogy of my family name, but will also point to my interests in the history of Petersfield, singing, and travelling to see and photograph wildlife around the world, most especially in Costa Rica, Central America.

The Genealogy button will take you to a 'The Next Generation' prepared page, which generates content on the fly from a .ged file. The pages will show photographs of my ancestors as well as where they are buried, along with notes of the origin of the data. Despite the fact that I have been interested in the genealogy of my family for over 40 years, there is still a lot to be discovered.

Family crest & motto — Fortiter

The crest above is one handed down in the family, is a case in point, where the origin is unknown. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know via the Contact Me page. The image is that of a wax seal.

The History button will take you into the history of the Hampshire Constabulary, the town of Petersfield and the Culbertson family at St Edward's School, Oxford

The Photos pages will display some photos found amongst my fathers' effects, of when he was a pilot in the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy; some photos from my grandfathers' effects from when he was at St Edwards' School, Oxford in the early 1900's; and some photos from my holidays in Costa Rica and India, mainly looking at wildlife.

Then there is the Choirs button! I have been singing since my school days, but in 1978 I joined the Hampshire Police Male Voice Choir and haven't looked back. I am still with this Choir and have been its Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer & currently Technical Officer. Male voice choir singing is exhilarating, and has a great camaraderie and they say that singing is good for your health as well.

I have now, also joined a mixed voice choir, the Phœnix Singers. Both of these choirs are based in Hampshire, UK where I have lived for most of my life.

I hope you enjoy this site and find it interesting and maybe even useful.

Stay in harmony with the world and its people!

Geoff Culbertson