
John Murray Schütz CULBERTSON

John Murray Schütz Culbertson known as Murray was born 27 December 1883. Unfortunately he was born without part of his left arm. This did not seem to hold him back too much. As you will see below he played cricket for the first team at his school and was a champion doubles tennis player. He became a Civil Engineer, involved in the building of dams in Scotland, and working in Abbyssinia and Karachi, Pakistan.

Most of the following are extracts from the archives of records of the school magazine, The Chronicle, at St Edward's School, Oxford, which he attended from June 1896 to June 1901.


October 1896 - archive entry for arrival of JMS Culbertson at St Edwards' School
Extract from October 1896 Chronicle.
Salvete (Welcome in Latin) JMSC starts in the Lower Third form


March 1897 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded Lower Third prize
Extract from March 1897 Chronicle
JMSC awarded Lower Third Form prize

July 1897 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson swims the distance
Extract from July 1897 Chronicle.
JMSC has 'swum the distance' - I still have to discover exactly what this means.
October 1897 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded Upper Third Prize
Extract from October 1897 Chronicle.
JMSC awarded Upper Third Modern Form prize


March 1898 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson removes to Upper Fourth Modern form
Extract from March 1898 Chronicle.
JMSC 'removes' to the Upper Fourth Modern Form

March 1898 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in the Middle Modern form
Extract from March 1898 Chronicle.
JMSC is now in the Middle Modern Form
October 1898 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded Upper Fourth Modern form prize & Division D French prize
Extract from October 1898 Chronicle.
JMSC awarded Upper Fourth Modern Form prize and Division D French prize


October 1899 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded Middle Modern Mathematics prize
Extract from October 1899 Chronicle.
JMSC awarded Middle Modern Mathematics prize
October 1899 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson removes to Upper Modern form
Extract from October 1899 Chronicle.
JMSC 'removes' to the Upper Modern Form


March 1900 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson appointed as a Library Custodian
Extract from March 1900 Chronicle.
JMSC appointed as a Library Custodian

March 1900 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded prize for his Lower School Holiday task
Extract from March 1900 Chronicle.
JMSC is awarded a prize for his Lower School Holiday Task

June 1900 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson appointed as a Prefect
Extract from June 1900 Chronicle.
JMSC appointed as a Prefect

June 1900 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson seconds a proposal to elect President of new Photographic Club
Extract from June 1900 Chronicle.
On 13 May JMSC seconds the proposal to elect the President of the new Photographic Club

October 1900 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson as a Prefect
Extract from October 1900 Chronicle.
JMSC listed as a Prefect

October 1900 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson  batting & bowling for Willson's Tutor Set against Cowell's Tutor Set
Extract from October 1900 Chronicle.
JMSC batting & bowling for Willson's Tutor Set (C) in the match against Cowell's Tutor Set (A)

December 1900 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson  in Willson's Tutor Set cricket XI
Extract from December 1900 Chronicle.
JMSC in Willson's Tutor Set cricket XI

October 1900 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded Upper Modern form prize
Extract from October 1900 Chronicle.
JMSC awarded Upper Modern Form prize


March 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson as a prefect and on Shop Committee
Extract from March 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC listed as a prefect and is placed on the Shop Committee

March 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson  1st in Holiday task
Extract from March 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC shown as 1st in Holiday Task
April 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in a Chess Tournament
Extract from April 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC takes part in a Chess Tournament

April 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson speaks against motion in a debate
Extract from April 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC speaks against the motion "the life of the civilised man is happer than that of the savage."

June 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson takes part in Prefects Concert
June 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson is 1st Gent in Prefects Concert
Extract from June 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC takes part in the Prefect's Concert

June 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded Upper Modern form prize & 2nd XI cricket colours
Extract from June 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC awarded Upper Modern Form prize & awarded 2nd XI cricket colours
June 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson shown as a Prefect
Extract from June 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC listed as a Prefect

July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Wadham College
July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Wadham College - bowling stats
Extract from July 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against Wadham College

July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Corpus College
July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Corpus College - bowling stats
Extract from July 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against Corpus College

July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Christ Church Warrigals
July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Christ Church Warrigals - bowling stats
Extract from July 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against Christ Church Warrigals

July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Keble II
July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Keble II - batting stats a July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Keble II - bowling stats b
Extract from July 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against Keble II

July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against University II
July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against University II - batting stats a July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against University II - bowling stats b
Extract from July 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against University II

July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Middleton
July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Middleton - batting stats July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against Middleton - bowling stats
Extract from July 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against Middleton

July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against All Saints School, Bloxham
July 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket team against All Saints School, Bloxham - bowling stats
Extract from July 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against All Saints' School, Bloxham.
JMSC bowled 13 overs and took 9 wickets for only 33 runs over 2 innings

August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson playing Doubles Tennis
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC playing Doubles Tennis
August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded 1st XI cricket colours
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC awarded 1st XI cricket colours

August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson joins SES Society
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC joins SES Society

August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket vs Rev C de Labat's team
August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket vs Rev C de Labat's team - batting stats August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket vs Rev C de Labat's team - bowling stats
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against Rev. C. de Labat's team

August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket vs Cygnets
August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket vs Cygnets - bowling stats
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against Cygnets

August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket vs Middleton
August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket vs Middleton - batting stats August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in 1st XI cricket vs Middleton - bowling stats
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in 1st XI cricket against Middleton

August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in Willson's Set XI vs Cowell's Set August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in Willson's Set XI vs Cowell's Set - batting stats
August 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson in Willson's Set XI vs Cowell's Set - bowling stats
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC in Tutor's Match, Willson's Set vs Cowell's Set
JMSC playing for Willson's

1901 1st XI Cricket - John Murray Schütz Culbertson sitting on ground on left (Hover over faces to see names)

Characters of the 1st XI
August 1901 - Archive entry - Characters of the 1st XI
August 1901 - Archive entry - Characters of the 1st XI - JMS Culbertson
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
Descriptions of every member of the 1st XI

1901 - Photograph of 1st XI Cricket team shield
1901 1st XI Cricket team shield

1st XI averages
August 1901 - 1st XI Cricket team batting averages
August 1901 - 1st XI Cricket team bowling averages
Extract from August 1901 Chronicle.
1st XI averages & statistics

October 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson wins Tennis Doubles Tournament
October 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson loses Tennis Singles Tournament in final
Extract from October 1901 Chronicle.
Tennis Tournament
Welsh & JMSC win the doubles, JMSC beaten in the singles

1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson leaves St Edwards' School
Extract from 1901 Chronicle.
Valete (farewell in Latin) to JMSC
October 1901 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson awarded Upper Modern form prize for Divinity & History
Extract from October 1901 Chronicle.
JMSC awarded Upper Modern Form prize for Divinity & History


October 1902 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson subscribes 5 shillings to Memorial Fund
Extract from October 1902 Chronicle.
JMSC subscribes 5 shillings to Memorial Fund
December 1902 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson present at OSE event
Extract from December 1902 Chronicle.
JMSC present at OSE event


December 1904 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson attends OSE dinner
Extract from December 1904 Chronicle.
JMSC attends OSE Dinner in London


December 1906 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson attends OSE dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant, London 1 December 1906 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson attends OSE dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant, London 2 December 1906 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson attends OSE dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant, London 3
December 1906 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson attends OSE dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant, London 4 December 1906 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson attends OSE dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant, London 5
Extract from December 1906 Chronicle.
JMSC attends OSE Dinner at the Trocadero restaurant, London


May 1910 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson travelling to Bombay for an appointment
Extract from May 1910 Chronicle.
JMSC travelling to Bombay for appointment


October 1938 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson subscribes to Cowell Memorial Gateway October 1938 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson subscribes to Cowell Memorial Gateway b
Extract from October 1938 Chronicle.
JMSC a subscriber to the Cowell Memorial Gateway


July 1939 - Archive entry JMS Culbertson attends OSE dinner
Photograph of JMS Culbertson
Extract from July 1939 Chronicle.
JMSC attends OSE Dinner