An accident of a startling character occurred here on Wednesday last. A recruiting party of the Hants Militia was parading the town with fife and drum, followed by a considerable concourse of people, attracted by the novelty of the scene (it being market day), just as they were passing Duplock’s printing-office, in the High-street, a little boy in the crowd, about 10 years old, named Wilkes, whose parents live at Sheet, ran across the road, and in the excitement of the moment did not observe the carriage of J. Bonham Carter, Esq., M.P.,.which happened to be passing at the time, and before the coachman could possibly pull up (which he did with the utmost promptitude), the poor little fellow was under the carriage, the wheels of which passed over the body. Mr. Bonham Carter, who, with Mrs. Carter, was in the carriage at the time immediately leaped out and had the child conveyed to the surgery of Messrs. Whicher and Cross, when it was found on examination that the injuries sustained were less than might have been expected; there was a slight concussion of the brain, and a rather severe bruise on the shoulder, but no bones were broken. The wounds having been dressed, and the little sufferer having somewhat recovered from the shook, Mr. Bonham Carter supplied a vehicle and had him conveyed to his home, about two miles from the town, where under the care of Messrs. Whicher and Cross we understand he is going on favourably.