12th HANTS RIFLE CORPS.—On Tuesday the Petersfield division fell in in the Market Square, and having formed, proceeded through the town into the Portsmouth road to Helmington Bottom, under the command of Captain Chawner and Ensign Seward. On their arrival on the ground they found the Horndean division in readiness to receive them, under the command of Lieut. Sir William Knighton, Bart. The muster, owing to the weather not being fine, was not so good as would otherwise have been the case—the number not being more than 50, exclusive of officers. After going through several evolutionary movements (during which considerable rain fell), it was finished off by one of those skirmishing manœvres over a portion of the down across the turnpike-road, and then up the side of steep old wardown, so as fully to prove the pluck, and stamina, of this corps. Upon the whole it was very satisfactory, the various evolutions were carried out and all passed off in a manner most creditable to the Corps. We will here take the opportunity of naming one of this amusing little incidents which take place (even in the best regulated families) to relieve the formality of stiff-parade. Upon the call for swearing-in some new members, during the time of ‟standing at ease,” the big drum was called for and placed on end, the roll of names from the tin case produced, the magistrate prepared for business, with the pen and ink in readiness, when lo! and behold!! it was then discovered that the necessary book was not at hand; and the matter in question was consequently adjourned till the evening. Under the separation of the right and left divisions, some warm parting cheers were given to each other. We are gratified to learn that under the management of the Ladies, subscriptions amounting to about £70 have already been collected, so as to form a band of fifes and drums, with cymbals and triangles. As the subscription list is not closed, the band committee, or Mr. Atkinson, the treasurer, will be glad to receive any further contributions.