PETERSFIELD.—The 12th Hants Rifle Volunteer Ball came off last Friday evening at the Red Lion Assembly Rooms, and was a most successful entertainment, being patronised highly by the fashionable world, and the whole affair skilfully arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Crafts received great praise for their admirable management of the various departments confided to their care. Dancing commenced about half-past nine, Mr. J. Conduit’s excellent quadrille band at Winchester having been engaged for the occasion. The festive scene did not terminate till an advance hour in the morning.
Sussex Express - Saturday 19 January 1861
PETERSFIELD.—THE VOLUNTEER BALL. The Red Lion Assembly Room, Friday evening, was the scene of one of the most interesting réunions that ever took place within its walls. Our gentry, and all the leading inhabitants assembled on that occasion as a mark of their appreciation of the admirable manner in which the 12th Hants Rifle Volunteers, under the able command of Capt. Chawner, have discharged their self-imposed duties, and the result was one of the most delightful evenings ever known in Petersfield. All stiffness and formality seemed banished, and the dancing had all the life and spirit which ought to distinguish a rifleman’s ball. The room was ‟got up” in a style worthy of the occasion by Mr. F. Henson, of Petersfield, under whose directions it had been tastefully decorated with evergreens. At the upper end was a fan of pink and white, surmounted by the words, ‟Success to the 12th Hants Rifle Volunteers,” and bearing in the centre the letters V.R., in laurel; and on a broad scroll of ribbon the Volunteers’ motto, ‟Defence, not Defiance.” Below this a number of rifles were effectively disposed in a sort of palisade, the butt ends resting on the floor; and above these were several swords, arranged in various devices. The entire cornice was covered with a wreath of evergreens, and the orchestra was tastefully ornamented with evergreens and flowers. On the side walls were brilliant shields formed of bayonets, arranged in stars, &c., while two handsome mirrors at the lower end of the room seemed to open a vista in which all the brilliance of the scene was repeated. The excellent quadrille band of Mr. J. Conduit, Winchester, was engaged for the occasion. Dancing commenced about half-past nine, and the morning hours were far advanced before the party could consent to separate. Of course, refreshments were in constant requirement, and both in supplying these, and in all the other little attentions which ladies require on a ball night, Mr. and Mrs. Crafts were as usual most assiduous, and we may add, as usual, successful in gaining universal commendation. Amongst the party were the following:—
Mrs. Askew, Miss Askew, Mr. Atkinson, Mrs. Atkinson, Miss Atkinson, Mr. Attwater, Miss Ayling.
Miss Balchin, Mr. Barkworth, Mrs. A. Barnes, Mr. Batchellor, Mr. Baugh, Mrs. Baugh, Capt. Bent, Mr. Blackmore, Miss E. Bond, Mr. Bonham-Carter, M.P., Mrs. Bonham-Carter and party, Mr. Boniface, Rev. R. Lewis Browne, Mr. G. Lewis Browne, Mr. G. Brown, Miss Burnaby-Greene.
Hon. J. J. Carnegie, Mr. E. Chalcraft, Mr. W. Chalcraft, jun., Miss Chalcraft. Capt. Chawner, Mrs. Chawner, Capt. Cherry, Ensign Clarke, Misses Coles (2), Mr. C. Collis, Mrs. Collis. Mr. T. T. Cooke, Mr. W. H. Cooke, Sergeant Cornish, Mr. R. S. Cross, Mr. E. Curtis, Mr. H. E. Curtis.
Capt. Daubeny, Mr. J. C. Deverill, Misses Deverill (2), Capt. Downman, Miss Duff, Miss Duke, Mr. Dusautoy.
Mr. J. Earwaker, Mrs. Earwaker, Miss Edwards, Mr. W. Elkington, Miss Elkington, Sergeant Elliott, Mr. H. H. Emmott, Mrs. Emmott.
Sergeant Finley.
Mr. G. A. Gale, Mr. R. Gale, Mr. E. Gatrell, Miss M. Gatrell, Mr. G. Gibbs, Mr. W. Gibbs. Mr. H. Glasse. Mr. J. Goldsmith, Mr. W. Goldsmith (2), Mr. J. B. Goude, Mr. Green.
Mr. H. Hale, Miss Hale, Mrs. Harvey, Major Hawkins, Mr. A. Hellard, Mr. J. A. Hellard, Mr. Higgens, Mr. W. Higgens, Mrs. Higgens, Misses Higgens (2), Miss Hipkin, Mr. F. N. Hobgen, Capt. Holmes.
Sir J. C. Jervoise, Bart., M.P., and party, Capt. Jervoise, Mr. Johnson, Mr. J. J. Johnson, Lady Jolliffe, Mr. S. Jolliffe, Mr. W. Jolliffe, Miss Jolliffe, Miss M. Jolliffe.
Lieut. Sir W. W. Knighton, Bart., Mr. O. King, Mr. W. B. Knight, Miss Keeley.
Miss C. Lacy, Mr. J. Light, Mr. J. Lucas, Mr. W. Lucas, Miss Lucas.
Sergeant Macfarland, Miss Majou, Miss Mills, Miss E. Mills, Mr. E. Moore, Mrs. E. Moore, Sergeant Mortimer, Mr. E. Mortimer, Major Mundy, Miss Mundy.
Col. L. Nicholson.
Capt. Osmond, Mrs. Osmond, Miss Osmond.
Mr. J. W. Parker. Miss M. F. Patteson, Mr. M. R. Payne, Mr. R. H. Payne, Mr. W. Payne, Miss Payne, Mrs. Penfold, Misses Penfold (2), Miss Petar, Misses Pilkington (2), Mr. J. Powell, Miss Powell, Mr. F. Pratt, Miss Pratt.
Mr. W. C. Rickman, Mrs. C. J. Richards, Miss Ross, Dr. Ryding, Hon. Surgeon.
Mr. E. G. Sartoris, Ensign Seward, Sergeant Seward, Mr. C. Seward. Mr. W. Seward, Mrs. W. Seward, Misses Seward (2), Michael Seymour, Bart., Lady Seymour, Mr. Seymour, Miss A. Seymour, Ensign Smith, Mr. A. L. Smith. Mr. E. Smith, Mr. W. Snell, Mrs. Snell, Mr. Stedman, Mr. W. Stedman, jun., Capt. Stirling, Capt. C. Stirling, Misses Stirling (2), Mr. Strange, Mrs. Strange.
Mr. W. Townsend, Miss A. Townsend.
Mr. G. Wainwright, Sergeant Warner, Mr. H. Warner, Misses Warner (2), Mr. Whitbourn, Mr. C. Whittle, Mr. H. Wooldridge, jun.
(191 plus 2 parties)