TWELFTH HAMPSHIRE RIFLE VOLUNTEERS.— On Friday, the 1st inst., at half-past 6 p.m., the Petersfield division of the above corps, as usual, fell in between the Red Lion and Dolphin Hotels, under the able instruction of Sergeant-Major Michael Allen, late Sergeant of the 1st Royals, and marched into the Heath. Since the recall of Sergeant Whiting back to his regiment, the Grenadier Guards, the corps have not been in that state of progressive advancement in drill as otherwise would have been the case, but we now have the pleasure of saying that from the able manner in which Sergeant-Major Allen put the members of this division through the drill (on his first appearance), thoroughly convinced us that it will be necessary for them to be on the qui vive, as it is clear they will have something more to do than ‟stand at ease.” On Monday and Wednesday evenings, also, the members of this division fell in in the Market-square, where they went through a variety of evolutions, which, upon the whole, clearly indicated great improvement in a short time, and impressing on the minds of the individual members of this division that they have ‟the right man in the right place” as drill sergeant. We believe that in having a captain-commandant and a sergeant-major, both of Crimean service, that something of the ‟go-a-head” move is in prospect for the 12th Hampshire Volunteers. Sergeant Allen was 21 years in the service.