12TH HANTS RIFLE VOLUNTEERS.—In a communication from the Lord-Lieutenant, we learn that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve and accept of the formation of a second company to the above corps, and that ‟this company has been incorporated in the 12th Hampshire Rifle Volunteers, the maximum establishment of which will now consist of 1 captain-commandant, 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 1 assistant surgeon, 200 men of all ranks, divided into two companies.”
Hampshire Telegraph - Saturday 16 March 1861
Agent—Mr. G. DUPLOCK
12th HANTS RIFLES.—The number of enrolled members of this corps has so far increased that Captain E. H. Chawner has put himself in communication with the War-office, through the Lord-Lieutenant of the county, with a view to the formation of a second company, of which her Majesty has been graciously pleased to signify her approval. A second company is therefore now in course of formation, and Captain Chawner has issued an address inviting the ‟youth and able-bodied men” to join his corps, which will now consist of a captain-commandant, a captain, two lieutenants, two ensigns, with an increase of non-commissioned officers, and 200 rank and file.