PETERSFIELD].—BRITISH SCHOOLS. The fifteenth anniversary of the Petersfield British Schools took place on Thursday in the School Rooms, and the weather proving highly favourable, caused a large number of persons to be present. After the examination, which occupied upwards of two hours, each pupil was supplied with a bun. About 200 persons took tea at five o’clock, after which there was a public meeting held, presided over by T. Watson, Esq., of Havant. We are compelled to give a brief account of this meeting only, on account of the short time elapsing before the post closed. Since the report of the Government Inspector, J. Laurie, Esq., the council of the Government Board of Education has made the following minute, and forwarded it to the Committee of this School, which is that the Petersfield British School exceeds, and also surpasses all the others in Mr. Laurie’s district, the scholars, both male and female, being fully up to the mark in every respect.