MID-SUSSEX AND MIDHURST JUNCTION RAILWAY.—The first general meeting of the shareholders was a held on Friday afternoon, at 41, Parliament-street, Westminster; Mr. J. Cary in the chair. In the report which was read the directors expressed their regret that the original scheme submitted to parliament, by which a terminus bordering on the town of Midhurst was provided, encountered great opposition, and that the act, as finally sanctioned, necessitated a deviation. The board had been, and were un-remitting in their endeavours to devise a plan which would afford better accommodation, and they had not yet abandoned all hope of a favourable result. A preliminary agreement had been entered into with the London, Brighton, and South Coast Company, securing to the shareholders 4 per cent. on the amount expended on the railway, and the works would be commenced in the course of the present month. The directors were informed that a bill for extending the line to Petersfield would be introduced in the ensuing session, which would complete the link between the Mid-Sussex and the South Western systems, and afford direct communication to the Portsmouth markets. On the motion of the chairman the report was adopted unanimously, and the proceedings terminated in the usual manner.