Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     THE RAILWAY.—The chief topic of interest with us during the past week has been the opening of the Railway, which, most of our readers are doubtless by this time aware, took place on Saturday last. The first arrival and departure at our station was an up train at 8.17 a.m., and although an early hour, considering the time of year, there was a large assemblage of persons from the town and neighbourhood to witness the novel event, some of whom, in all probability, had never before seen a railway train. We have eight passenger and two goods trains daily, and it has been most gratifying to observe that, notwithstanding the unfortunate ‟hitch” at present existing at Havant, the up passenger trains have kept their respective times with remarkable precision, often arriving at the minute announced, and on scarcely any occasion deviating more than two or three minutes. The arrangement at the station is also entitled to commendation; all is quiet and systematic; each member of the staff seems to know his place, and all goes on as though it had been in operation for months, instead of only a few days. 

     RETROGRADE POSTAL MOVEMENT. —We regret to learn that the substitution of the railway for the Rocket coach brings with it a serious drawback on the advantages we had anticipated, in the total cessation of the day mail. We trust this is only a temporary arrangement; but, should it continue, it is to be hoped the public will earnestly memorialise the authorities on the subject.