The second half-yearly meeting of the trustees and managers of the Petersfield Savings' Bank was held on Monday last, the Rev. C. G Boyle, in the chair. We are happy to learn that this truly valuable institution is progressing in a most satisfactory manner. It has been established scarcely twelve months, and the deposits amount to upwards of 2,000l. J. Lipscomb, esq. tendered his resignation of the office of treasurer, which he had kindly consented to hold for the first year, and Mr. J. Small was unanimously elected to succeed him. The former gentleman and W. Mitchell, esq. were added to the list of trustees. The surplus fund (as might be expected from the institution being yet in its infancy) was found inadequate to defray the expenses of the past year, and a subscription was entered into by the trustees and managers for that purpose. Thanks were presented to the actuary, Mr. Flood, for his indefatigable and almost gratuitous service, during the past year.