PETERSFIELD.— Sunday last three sermons were preached in the parish church on behalf of the Church Missionary Society, and collections made after each sermon. A public meeting was held in the National Schoolroom on the Monday evening, the Rev. J. M. Sumner (rector) in the chair. The Chairman, in commencing the proceedings, referred to the openings at present in Asia and Africa for the spread of the gospel among our heathen brethren, and forcibly illustrated the claims the heathen had upon our wealth and progress. The rev. gentleman concluded a most interesting and practical speech by calling upon the Rev. M.A. Smelt, treasurer, to read the report, which, although it showed something of a falling off for the whole district, still showed a slight increase in the amount sent up from Petersfield, when compared with last year. The Rev. Mr. Dumergue, vicar of Fareham, next addressed the meetingat great length, dwelling in detail upon the results of the Society in India, Africa, &c. The Rev. Smith Wardleigh, who attended as a deputation from the parent society, was next called upon, but owing to want of time was compelled to be very brief in his remarks; many of those present would willingly have remained at least another half-hour to listened to the forcible and eloquent appeals of the rev. gentlemen. The meeting was crowded to excess, and a very handsome collection was made at the close, which, in addition to that collected after the sermons, amounted to between £14 and £15. Besides those gentlemen mentioned, there were on the platform the Revs. O. Hodgson, J. Floud, J. Lintott, &c.