Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     CONVERSAZIONE. —The members of the Petersfield Young Men's Improvement Society gave their fifth annual entertainment at the National Schools on Wednesday evening last, the Rev. J. M. Sumner, president of the society, presided, supported by the vice-president, the Rev. T. Field. Both the spacious school-rooms were completely filled with a highly respectable audience. The rooms were tastefully fitted up for the occasion, the screen at the back of the platform was divided into three compartments, in the centre was emblazoned the appropriate word ‟Excelsior,” suggestive of the object and character of the society, in the compartment on the left were inscribed the words ‟A Merry Christmas” and in that on the right ‟A Happy New Year,” the whole being surmounted by a large oblong banner, bearing the inscription ‟Petersfield Young Men’s Improvement Society,” the centre of the banner was filled with the Petersfield arms, having on either side the royal initials V.R. The effect was greatly aided by a profusion of graceful festoons and wreaths of evergreens interspersed with flowers, in fact, the entire ‟getting up” of the decorations displayed exceeding good taste. Of the performance we are glad to be able to speak in terms of commendation, those who had been present in former years, and especially those who remember the commencement of these entertainments, must have been struck with the marked improvement which has been observable from year to year. It would be alike unfair and absurd to apply to an amateur entertainment like the present, those rigid rules of criticism to which professional performers are amenable, but there is doubtless room for further improvement—strange indeed were it not so—but we most sincerely congratulate the young men of Petersfield on the amount of success which they have already achieved, and trust they will be stimulated by the hearty plaudies they received on this occasion to persevere in their laudable efforts at self-culture. At the conclusion of the entertainment a vote of thanks to the members of the Young Mens’ Improvement Society was proposed by R. S. Cross, Esq., and seconded by the Rev. M. A. Smelt, and was acknowledged by Mr. Macfarland. A similar vote was warmly accorded to the Rev. J. M. Sumner for his kindness in presiding on the occasion.