A PIG AT GREATHAM BUT A DOG AT PORTSMOUTH.—The following circumstances occurred a few years ago, and created much laughter. A man, living at Greatham, a few miles on the Farnham-road from Petersfield, disliking, as he said, hard work, took to driving a large barrow to Portsmouth and back to carry parcels. One day a pig, a roast porker, was entrusted to his care to take from his home to Portsmouth, and it was put alive into a sack. The carrier stopped at a certain public-house at Petersfield, as was his usual custom, where there happened to be a jolly party carousing. The carrier told them he had a roast porker alive in a sack on his barrow; when out went some of the party by a back way, took the pig from the sack, and put in a small dog in its place. After a while the carrier started with his barrow, and it being dark, he did not see it had been disturbed. Arriving at Portsmouth early the next morning, he called at the house to deliver the pig. ‟Turn it out on the floor,” said the owner; when lo! to the astonishment of both parties, out came a dog. ‟Well,” said the carrier, ‟I’ll be ⎯⎯ if it wasn’t a pig when I started; but it having changed to a dog, it must be taken back.” On arriving at Petersfield the next evening, the same party were at the public-house, and the deceived carrier told them how his pig had changed to a dog. The animals were again substituted, as on the previous night, and when he arrived at his home he told his wife the pig had changed to a dog. To convince her of the truth he turned it out, and, to his astonishment, found it had again undergone a change. I will leave your readers to imagine the rest.—West Sussex Gazette.