MlDHURST.— Accident. The following painful accident happened to Charles Hurst, Esq., surgeon, of this town, on Tuesday last. As Mr. Hurst was going towards Trotton on foot, a short distance out of town, he was overtaken by a Mr. Bartlett, a commercial traveller in a gig, who being requested, gave Mr. Hurst a seat. They had proceeded only as far as Crow’s hole, near the road to Iping, when the horse took fright at another passing rapidly, and started at full speed. Mr. Hurst, in his alarm, made several attempts to jump out, but was prevented by Mr. Bartlett, who held him with one hand on the horse, however, becoming unmanageable with one hand only, Mr. Bartlett was compelled to relinquish his hold of Mr. Hurst, who then jumped out, and in so doing caused a frightful fracture of the leg. C. Shirley, Esq., was very fortunately passing shortly after the accident, and after remaining a little time with him, left him in careful hands, and had not proceeded far homewards ere he met his own carriage, which he caused to be sent forward instantly for the use of the sufferer, who after some difficulty was assisted into the carriage, and driven carefully home. At the time of our writing the fracture, which is a compound one, had not been reduced. The animal stopped at Trotton, without occasioning any further misfortune, but Mr. Bartlett’s mind was so much disturbed by the unfortunate circumstance, that it was found necessary to send a man on to Petersfield with him, and we hear it is his determination not to drive the horse again.