WHEREAS it is enacted by an act, entitled, “An Act for enabling the Magistrates in the several Counties in Great Britain to raise and levy, under certain Regulations, such able-bodied and idle Persons as shall be found within the said Counties to serve in his Majesty’s Navy,” and passed on the twenty-eighth day of April last, that, within thirty days after the passing of the said act, the Clerk of the Peace of the said County shall by the direction of any one of the Justices of the Peace of the said County, give notice of the time and place when and where the respective Justices of the Peace of the said County shall first assemble, in their respective districts, to put the said act into execution, by publishing the same in some newspaper usually circulated within the jurisdiction of such Justices; and it is also enacted, that the Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County shall, pursuant to such notice, assemble themselves in their sub-divisions, and in such districts in which Justices have usually held petty sessions: Now, in pursuance of the said act, and by the direction of Sir WILLIAM HEATHCOTE, Baronet, RICHARD MAIDMAN, Esq. and the Reverend EDMUND POULTER, his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the said County, I, ROBERT REEKS CORBIN, Deputy Clerk of the Peace of the said County, do hereby give Notice, That the Justices of the Peace of the said County are to assemble, in their respective Districts, at the Times hereunder mentioned, to put the said act into execution.

ROB. R. CORBIN, Dep. Clerk of the Peace
May 23, 1795
Alton, NorthAltonThursdayJune 18
Alton, SouthPetersfieldSaturdayJune 20