PETERSFIELD.— On Monday last a meeting of the inhabitants of the borough was held at the Town Hall, to vote an address to her Majesty and Prince Albert, on their providential preservation from the late attempt on their lives. Fielder King, esq. proposed and Samuel Seward seconded that the Mayor (John Evans, esq.) do take the chair. The Mayor having taken the chair, the Rev. C. G. Boyles, rector of Buriton and Petersfield, proposed the address to the Queen, which was seconded by the Rev. Mr. Wallis. The address to his Royal Highness, was moved by B. Carter, esq. and seconded by John Lipscombe esq. — Lacy, esq. proposed that J. C.  Hector, esq. M.P.,  Sir W. Jolliffe, bart. and B. Carter, esq. be requested to present the respective addresses, seconded by C. C. Butterfield, esq., R. Parsons, esq. moved a vote of thanks to the Mayor for his able deportment in the chair. The whole conduct of the meeting was of a very unanimous character 

     On Monday last, in compliance of the order for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God for his interposition  in preserving our Sovereign and her Consort from the assassin's hand, the same was duly observed at our church, on Sunday last, succeeded by an excellent discourse, in the morning, by the Rev. R. G. Lewis who selected for his text the 9th verse of the 20th Psalm—"Save, Lord, and hear us, O King of Heaven, when we call upon thee." The sermon in the evening, was by the rector, the Rev. C. G. Boyles, who preached with much energy the duty of a subject to his sovereign, from the first and second verses of Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, — "I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. For Kings and all that are in authority; and that we lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."