PETERSFIELD, HANTS.—(From our own Correspondent.)—A public meeting, of a very interesting character, was held in the Town-hall of this borough, on Thursday, December 2, for the purpose of transmitting Addresses to her Majesty, Prince Albert, and the Duchess of Kent, on occasion of the auspicious event of the birth of the Prince of Wales. W. Roberts, Esq., the Mayor, filled the chair. The address to the Queen was moved, in a very appropriate manner, by the Rev. Mr. Boyles, the rector of the parish, and seconded by the Rev. T. Wallace. The other addresses were proposed and supported by Sir Wm. Jolliffe, Bart., M.P., Admiral Hawker, Rev. Mr. Lewis, ____ Butterfield, Esq., Mr. R. Parsons, and Messrs. Humphreys and Allen. It was most refreshing to perceive the harmony of sentiment and feeling which pervaded the meeting, and to mark the fervent aspirations to Almighty God, which were expressed by all the speakers, on behalf of our beloved Queen and the infant Prince; and the hope was most decidedly and earnestly poured forth, that, if the heir to the throne should, by the kindness of Divine Providence, be spared to the nation, he might educated in those enlightened, virtuous, and truly Christian principles, which it was the specific aim of the excellent Duchess of Kent to implant in the mind of her beloved and illustrious daughter, Victoria. Sir William Jolliffe was deputed to present the addresses.