MR. T. GODFREY, SURGEON DENTIST, of 15, Old Cavendish-street, Cavendish-Square, Invites Public Attention to the Newly Invented Beautiful Article for Palates and Gums, which, for elegance and comfort surpasses all other articles in use. It is only necessary to be seen to admired, and to be worn to be convinced of its superlative comfort. Mr. G.'s fees are strictly economical, which he does not accept unless perfect satisfaction is given.
A complete set of Teeth, in Bone, beautiful in appearance, Five Guineas. Ditto, in Platinised Silver, with mineral Teeth, Seven Guineas. Decayed Teeth Stopped, and all operations skilfully performed.
Mr. GODFREY is regularly in attendance as follows:—
At FAREHAM, the Second Tuesday of every month, at Mr. C. Batchelor's, Chemist, West-street.
PORTSMOUTH, the following day (Wednesday) at Mr. J. Davis's, Boot Establishment, 123, High-street.
PETERSFIELD, the following day, (Thursday), at Mr. Duplock's, Stationer.