The Proprietors of the "OXONIAN" return their sincere thanks for past favors, and beg leave to solicit a continuance of the same. The only direct route to SOUTHSEA, HAYLING ISLAND, & RYDE, Isle of Wight. The "OXONIAN" READING & PORTSMOUTH COACH.

      The Public are respectfully informed, the above Coach will commence Running for the Season on Tuesday, May 14th, 1844, and continue to leave the Great Western Railway Station and HONE'S COACH OFFICE, READING, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, at ¼ past 10. a.m.. on the arrival of the First Train from Bristol, Bath & Cheltenham, which trains (both) stop at Steventon and Wallingford-road Stations, for Portsmouth, through Odiham, Alton, Petersfield, and Horndean, arriving at Corsham in time for the Chichester Royal Mail, and Portsmouth in time for two Steam Packets to Ryde, &c. Returns the alternate days at 8 o'clock in the morning, from the Pier Hotel and George Hotel Coach Offices, Portsmouth, upon the arrival of the first Steam Packet from the Isle of Wight, by the same route, arriving at the Great Western Railway Station, Reading, in time for the 2 o'clock train. N.B. All communications addressed to the Proprietors (at Hone's Coach Office, Reading, or Pier Hotel Coach Office, Grand Parade, Portsmouth, will be immediately attended to. 

HAMBLETON, BALLS, and NEALE, Proprietors.