Petersfield Union.
Porter Wanted

     THE Guardians of the Union are in want of an active middle-aged SINGLE MAN, or WIDOWER without Children, as PORTER at the UNION WORKHOUSE.

     Salary, £15 per annum, with Board, Lodgings, and Washing in the House.

     Applications in the handwriting of the candidates, stating age, previous occupation, &c. with testimonials to be forwarded to me on or before the 2d day of January next.

     Preference will be given to one accustomed to Shave and Cut Hair, if otherwise qualified.

     The Election will take place at the Union Workhouse, on Thursday the 3d day of January next, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon. Candidates may attend at their own expense.

WM. ALBERY, Clerk.

Petersfield, December 20, 1860