MR. T. GODFREY, Surgeon Dentist, 
51, Margaret-street, Cavendish-square, London, and 33, Park Street, Bristol, 

     ACQUAINTS his Friends, Patients, and the Public generally of Portsmouth and its vicinities, that he will be in attendance—

     At Portsmouth, on TUESDAY NEXT, June the 3rd, at Mr. COLE’s, Music-Seller, High-Street.     

     At Petersfield, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, June the 4th, at Mr. DUPLOCK’s, High-Street.

     Mr. G. continues to supply the loss of Teeth on the painless method of self-adhesion, combining every recent improvement. His teeth are perfect in resemblance to nature, never wear out, change colour or become loose, and the patients are enabled to masticate as well as with their own natural teeth; and while his materials and execution are of the finest description possible, his charges are the same as those commonly made for the ordinary teeth, and no fee is accepted unless most perfect satisfaction is given.

     Decayed Teeth filled with white enamel or gold.

51, Margaret-street, Regent-street.