PETERSFIELD.—The annual meeting of the Horticultural Society was held on Wednesday the 31st ult. The Committee’s Report announced a small deficiency in the funds, which is mainly attributed to the extremely unfavourable state of the  weather at the last annual exhibition, which caused a very scanty attendance of visitors as compared with the former year. The report urged upon members the importance of individual efforts to procure new subscribers to replace those who have removed from the neighbourhood, and after referring to the complete success of the exhibition of 1857, announced sundry modifications of the rules. The secretary, F. Darwin, Esq. tendered his resignation, being about to remove from the neighbourhood, whereupon it was resolved that the thanks of the Society be presented to him for his energy and perseverance in the formation of the Society, and for his continued valuable services to the present time. H. Atkinson Esq. was appointed secretary in his stead. The next exhibition will take place on the 7th September. The schedule of prizes will be issued shortly.