NATIONAL SCHOOLS.—The annual sermons in behalf of the funds of these excellent institutions were preached on Sunday last, and collections made, which realised upwards of £16. The sermon in the morning was preached by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Winchester. The sermon in the afternoon was preached by the Rev. T. Field, and that in the evening by the Rev. M. A. Smelt.

Hampshire Independent - Saturday 29 October 1859

     PETERSFIELD.]—PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. — The Bishop of Winchester preached a most excellent sermon in Petersfield church on Sunday morning last, on behalf of the Petersfield National Schools, strongly urging on the inhabitants of this parish the necessity of their continued liberal support of the schools, in order to maintain the high position they have so long enjoyed. Since the past year   a new infant school has been added to the National Schools. His Lordship earnestly urged the necessity of early training, pointing out the duties of all good parents to train their offsprings in infancy. He adverted to those portions of scripture containing references to Joseph and the prophets, Daniel in the Lion’s den, and the shipwreck at sea, which, he said, made a deep impression on the mind of Sir H. Havelock, the great Dissenting General, when a child, which was never erased from his memory. The collections during the day amounted to nearly £17, which exceeds that of any previous year. We cannot close this notice without referring to out-parishioners partaking in the benefit of these most excellent schools. All the recipients ought to support it in a more liberal manner than they have heretofore done, so that their children are not left to be educated at the expense of tbe Petersfield parishioners.