PETERSFIELD RIFLE CORPS.—Agreeable to public notice, a meeting was held at the Town Hall, on Wednesday last, Dec. 13th, at twelve o’clock, when Sir William G. H. Jolliffe, Bart., took the chair. Sir WILLIAM entered fully into the subject for which the meeting was called, and having gone into the foreign and home matters relating thereto in a speech replete with argument and judgment, proposed the first resolution, viz.: “Resolved, that in consequence of the increased interest taken in the formation of a Volunteer Rifle Corps in the magisterial district of Petersfield, and the necessity of adequately representing that district in Committee; the resignation of the present Provisional Committee be accepted.” (It will be well to observe that the resignation of the Provisional Committee was duly tendered before the putting of the resolution.) Mr. BONHAM CARTER M.P., seconded the resolution in a speech of considerable length and to the purpose. The resolution was agreed to. Admiral Sir MICHAEL SEYMOUR, Bart., then rose, and in a way worthy of so gallant a sailor, proposed the second resolution, viz.: “That a Committee be now nominated, consisting of eighteen members, nine honorary and nine effective, of whom seven shall form a quorum, with power to transact the general business of the corps, to call public meetings, and to add to their number of committee-men when necessary, and that the meetings of the Committee be held once a month.” Sir WILLIAM KNIGHTON, Bart., in a speech full of good nature and humour, seconded this resolution, which was also agreed to. ROBERT CROSS, Esq., surgeon, proposed the third resolution, viz.: ‟That a subscription list be opened at once, for the purpose of supporting the formation of the Petersfield Rifle Corps.” This resolution was seconded by HENRY ELKINGTON. Esq., of Sheet, and carried. At present the number of effectives is below the number requisite for the formation of the corps, but we are glad to say that the monetary matter is progressing very favourably, and that the above meeting was well and respectably attended.