Agent—Mr. G. DUPLOCK
AUGMENTATION OF THE 12TH HANTS.—This Corps has lately been augmented by the formation of a second company, under the command of Captain Sir W. Knighton, Bart., Captain E. H. Chawner having been gazetted as Captain Commandant, by which arrangement several promotions will take place.—The annual general meeting of the members of this corps was held at the Town-hall on Thursday pursuant to advertisement in the Telegraph of last week, for the purpose of electing a committee for the ensuing year, Mr. Atkinson in the chair. Sergeant Mortimer proposed that the committee consist of four honorary and four effective members, instead of three of each as last year. This being carried, Sergeant Seward proposed that the three out-going hon. members, viz., Sir J. C. Jervoise, Bart., M.P., the Rev. J. M. Sumner, and Mr. Gale be re-elected, and that Mr. William Chalcraft be also elected a member of the committee. This was carried unanimously. It was then determined, on the suggestion of Sergeant Finley, that the four effectives be selected one from each division, whereupon Mr. C. J. Poate was appointed for Horndean, Mr. R. S. Cross for Petersfield, Sergeant Finley for Eastmeon, and Sergeant Woodhouse for Liphook. The officers of the corps are ex officio members of the committee. Mr. Light was re-elected hon. secretary, on the motion of Captain-Commandant Chawner, seconded by Captain Sir W. K. Knighton, Bart. Thanks having been voted to the chairman, the meeting broke up.