CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS.—As Mr. G. Henly contractor, residing at Buriton, was proceeding homeward on Sunday last, the 1st inst., from Horndean, his horse suddenly took fright, and ran on to a heap of stones. and the sudden jerk threw Mr. Henly out of the trap, which gave him a violent shaking, and also damaged the trap; but happily nothing serious has been the result of the accident—Another accident occurred on the same day in Butser Cutt. As Mr. J. Welch, of Buriton, with his wife and neice, and two friends, were going on a picture excursion, they met with a sad disaster. As they were going through the Cutt, the under harness broke in two, the cart tipped up, and threw the whole of the unlucky party into the road; but fortunately neither received any hurt except slightly smashing their bonnets. They again got into starting order, but the scene was not to end here, for they had not proceeded a quarter-of-a-mile, when the strap again snapped and Miss B. Knight perceiving danger, leaped from the cart, and fractured both her knees as she fell. The rest of the party being again thrown out behind, they were very much scared at the second rupture. They then proceeded on to the Gravel Hill public house, and happily James Lock, being a shoemaker, succeeded in mending and making the harness secure, and they then proceeded on their journey in safety.