CHEER BOYS CHEER!—We may well say, and have to congratulate the butchers of this town, for their judgment and selection for the coming festive season, by the goodly display in their respective shops. The beef in particular is exceedingly good. The chief attraction rests (and well it may) with the show in the shop of Mr. Baker, in the High-street, we must not however omit Messrs. Colebrooke, Cooke, Todman, and Wake, in all of whose shops the beef and mutton exhibited, well merits the reputation of this grazing district, and, we doubt, if any town in the county, in proportion to its population, that the butchers shops could make a more respectable show. The groceries and fruits, in our principal shops, are not behind the above, in choice and quality, (if we may judge from what we see) and our only regret is, that it cannot be more generally partaken of, but, we trust that those who have the means, will not be slow in helping the ‟poor and needy”, at this bountiful season of all good things.