We regret to learn that in the parishes of St. James, Hanover, and Westmoreland, cholera still continues to number daily a great many victims. We heard yesterday of the death in Montego Bay of Miss Eliza Cohen, a lady who was highly esteemed in the community in which she lived, for her piety, benevolence, and other virtues. In Hanover there is still a great deal of suffering in the immediate neighbourhood of Green Island; and our Westmoreland correspondent informs us that four cases had occurred in Savanna la Mar during the week ending on the 29th November, three of which had proved fatal, and the other was almost beyond the hope of recovery. At Petersfield estate there have been a good many deaths, and among them Mr. Walter Walcott, who expired at twelve o’clock on the 27th November. It is stated that if the disease should rage in an epidemic form, the poor will be placed in a state of miserable destitution, as the authorities, like those of other parishes, possess not the means which are necessary to afford assistance.