CHRISTMAS SHOW MARKET.—This market was held on Wednesday last, and was (as we last week intimated would be the case) very fully supplied with first class stock. Buyers were not so numerous as onsite former occasions, but still a large number of  beasts were sold and fetched good prices. Two heifers of pure Devon breed, belonging to Mr. Louch, of Manor Farm, Buriton, attracted great attention, and were deservedly admired for their fineness of quality, as well as for their unusual fatness; they were purchased by Mr. White, of Midhurst. Mr. Coryton, of Liss-place, had some remarkably, large and well fatted beasts, several of which were bob ought by Mr. Cooper, of Bramdean. Mr. J. Ring exhibited a dozen splendid animals (Herefords), which he sold to the Messrs. Franklin, of Wickham and Titchfield. Mr. Seward, of Weston, had, as usual, a large number of capital beasts, of which he sold about twenty. Mr. J. Chase, of Bowyers, also disposed of a considerable number, mostly of superior quality. Mr. C. Parr’s lot attracted a good deal of notice for their excellent quality; as did also Lady Fetherston’s Devons and Scots. Some prime beasts were also exhibited by Messrs. Chalcraft, J. Berry, R. Chase, W. Chase, &c. Altogether it was considered a first rate show, and fully sustained the high character which this market has for many years held in the county.