Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.

     CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.—On Sunday last sermons were preached in the parish church, in aid of the funds of the above society, in the morning by the Rev. J. M. Sumner (rector), in the afternoon by the Rev. T. Field, and in the evening by the Rev. M. A. Smelt. Collections were made after each service, amounting in all to 10l. 10s. A meeting on behalf of the same society was held on Tuesday evening, at the National school room, the Rev. J. M. Sumner in the chair. The proceedings opened with an appropriate hymn and prayer, after which the Chairman made some introductory remarks, expressive of the cordial interest he felt in the society. He then called on the Rev. M. A. Smelt. (secretary of the Petersfield Association) to read the report and financial statement. The Rev. W. M. K. Bradford (rector of Westmeon) then addressed the meeting in an eloquent and impressive speech, warmly advocating the cause of missions. The Rev. E. Auriol (rector of St. Dunstan’s-in-the-West), who attended as a deputation, gave some highly interesting details of the society’s operations, more especially in India. After a few observations from the Chairman, Psalm CXVII, was sung, and the meeting separated.