COACH ACCIDENT.—The up-mail from Portsmouth to London met with a twofold accident on Monday night last a few miles above Petersfield. In the first place one of the wheelers fell, at a place called Scrubb's Corner and was so hurt that he was obliged to be left behind and the coachman was proceeding to do the rest of the stage with a "unicorn" team but had not gone more than a mile, when, on descending the hill near the Flying Bull, at Rake, the horses, from some cause, started off, and becoming unmanageable, ran the coach with great force against the bank, by which it was upset, and the horses furiously dragged the coach on its side for several yards. The passengers all escaped unhurt, with the exception of one gentleman, who had his ancle dislocated. Fortunately ___ King, Esq., a member of the surgical profession, being among the passengers, was able to render that prompt aid which the emergency required, and soon reduced the dislocation The coach was so damaged as to be wholly unfit for use and the bags were forwarded by post chaise from Liphook.—Hampshire Telegraph.
(See also first account & third account)