- THE COLONIAL JOURNAL, No. V. containing, A View and Description of Petersfield Sugar Plantation—New West Indian Sketches”—Account of the Species of American Camel—Mistakes of Pennant, Shaw, &c.—Jamaica, a Poem, by the late Bryan Edwards, Esq.—On Improving the Navigation of the River St. Lawrence—Present State of the British Sugar-Trade—Cultivation of Tobacco in England—Virtues of the Guaco-Plant—Papers on Florida—Natural History of the Stormy Petrel pr Mother Cary’s Chicken—Colonial Collections—Colonial Bibliography—East and West India Trade of the United States—Mr. Walton on the Isthmus of Panama, and Land Route over the Buenos Ayres Plains—Review of De Pradt’s Colonies and present Revolutions of America—Colonial Acts for the registration of Slaves—Causes of the Decrease of the Slaves in the West Indies—Proposition of a Discriminative Registry of Slaves, showing the respective Numbers of Males and Females, Africans and Creoles, Slave Deaths, Slave Births, &c.—Public Papers—Parliamentary Proceedings—Colonial Notices—Occurrences—Appointments—Marriages—Deaths—Price Current—State of Markets—Packets, &c, &c.
- The COLONIES and the present AMERICAN REVOLUTION. By M. De Pradt. Translated from the French. One vol. 8vo. Price 12s. in boards.