Agent—Miss DUPLOCK.
THE COMET.—This mysterious visitant, which has now for some time attracted great attention, assumed here on Tuesday evening last a more than usually interesting aspect, from the fact of its passing so near to the bright star Arcturus that the latter was seen to traverse, in the space of about two hours, the entire breadth of the comet’s tail. The sky was perfectly clear throughout the evening, and as soon as the twilight had fairly set in the nucleus of the comet was seen about half a degree below the star, the tail at this time being only faintly discernible; as the darkness increased it became more and more distinct, and the precise point of the star's immersion in the tail of the comet was clearly apparent to the naked eye. About 7:30 it reached the centre of the luminous train, the coup d'œil of that part of the starry expanse was marvellously grand and beautiful—there was the comet blazing away in all its brilliancy, extending from about half a degree below Arcturus to Benetnasch, in Ursa Major, a space of more than thirty degrees, and in the very midst of it was seen shining, with its wonted lustre, that well known and beautiful star of the first magnitude, Arcturus. The transit of the star across the tail of the cornet was very rapid; but this of course was partly due to the earth’s rotatory motion, as well as to the comet’s rapid flight through space.