With the exception of the Borough of Newport, where two Conservatives have been returned, instead of two Liberals, and Southampton, where Mr. Weguelin has been changed for Mr. Digby Seymour, the whole of the representation of this county will be the same as it was in the last Parliament. At Andover, Christchurch, Lymington, Petersfield, Portsmouth, Winchester, and for the two Divisions of the County, the old members have been returned, and for Southampton have a man who, at all events, professes to be a supporter of Liberal principles. From this result, then, it will be seen that we have lost two members out of nineteen, but that loss is in a great measure made up for by Mr. Dutton’s declaration at the election on Wednesday last, that he would vote for a £10 rental in counties, and a £5 rating in boroughs. We may now very fairly claim Mr. Dutton as a Liberal representative, because we feel quite satisfied that he will never boggle at the difference between a £6 rating and a £6 rental. We have, therefore, every confidence that he will support Lord John Russell’s measure of Reform, in the event of Lord Derby giving the question the go-bye, and in the return of such a man as the colleague of our worthy member, Sir J. C. Jervoise, we have a very excellent set-off to the loss of the borough of Newport. If we have gained nothing, we have very nearly held our own, and in the present state of the constituencies that is almost as much as could have been expected.