Business recommenced on Tuesday morning in the Crown Court … For the despatch of business, a second court was opened, in which Mr. Esdaile presided, and the prisoners were disposed of as follows:—

Three months’ Imprisonment
— Agnes Cowan, for stealing a purse and money at Petersfield, the property of Eliza Emm. (See also 09-Oct-1858)

— … George Cowan, charged with stealing a purse, at Petersfield (See also 09-Oct-1858)
—   John Munday, charged with stealing flour, at East Meon.

Transferred to the Assizes
— Isaac Snary, charged with an assault with a criminal intent on Georgiana Hills, at Chilcombe.
The case against Isaac Snary, a lay vicar of the cathedral, excited great interest in the city, it being known that there were a great number of witnesses to be examined on both sides. Mr. Gunner and Mr. Russell were to conduct the prosecution, and Mr. Poulden and Mr. Cooke appeared for the defendant; but the case was not proceeded with, for Mr. Cooke rose and said that he had just been informed that the bill had been legally found, the Grand Jury being divided in opinion as to whether there was sufficient evidence to send the case to trial, and that instead of twelve being in favour of the finding of the bill, the number required by law, there were only nine, whilst seven others were opposed to it. If the Court would adjourn the case he would be prepared by affidavits to show that such was the case. The Chairman said he was taken by surprise, but the law certainly required that twelve of the Grand Jury should agree in the finding of the bill, and he should therefore postpone the case to the Assizes, and in the meantime the defendant might take the opinion of a court of law as to whether the finding on the present occasion was a nullity. (See also 14-Aug-1858 & 05-Mar-1859)