A match of cricket was played on Friday last, the 22nd inst., between the Alresford and Petersfield Clubs. The weather was all that could be desired. Petersfield went in first and some fine hitting was displayed, especially by Lillywhite, (a relative of the veteran of that name;) Clear, next in rotation, (after Dollery had been disposed of,) marched up and marched back again with a round 0; Beagley, scored 8, (the greatest number in this innings;) total runs, 39. In Petersfield’s second innings, Lillywhite and Beagley remained in, doing as they pleased, the former scoring 18, and the latter 30 runs. A change of bowling, gave the Rev. Mr. Patch the honor of disposing of Beagley; and Lillywhite was caught by Mr. E. Godwin, number of runs, 90; total, 129. Alresford’s first innings, were at first very unlucky, four wickets down and only four runs, until H. Ruffell and W. Godwin commenced in earnest, the former scoring 9, the latter 13; Mr. E. Blackmore, was unluckily run out; and Mr. T. Godwin, was finally caught by Etherington; H. Spary appeared nervous, made one good hit and scored two, and then was disposed of by Clear; number of runs, 50. In the second innings, Privett made some good hits, scored up 12, and then was run out; H. Ruffell, scored 8; W. Godwin, 8; total, 33. It was now sunset, the time appointed for drawing the stumps, Alresford had still six wickets to go down, and it being a one day’s match, Alresford were declared the victors, as they scored 50 the first innings, and Petersfield only 39.