CRICKET.—On Saturday last, the 23rd of July, the return match of cricket was played on Petersfield  Heath, between eleven members of the Petersfield New Club and eleven players of the Stroode, when the club war again victorious. It is worthy of remark that the Stroode eleven has not been beaten before for seven years, but the superior bowling of Luff and Kearne, and the batting of Kearne and B. Blanchard sent them to the ‟right about.” The fine day attracted a great many spectators. An excellent supper was prepared by the landlord of the Fighting Cocks Inn, Mr. Blanchard, which was done justice to by the players, and the evening was spent in a very harmonious manner, some excellent songs having been sung, and the glass passed merrily round. The following gentlemen played on the part of Petersfield: 

Messrs. Luff, S. Kearne, E. Port, G. Dobson, R. Blanchard, J. Dear, F. Louch, G. Mariner, T. Hove, J. Blanchard, J. Flipp; 

and the following on the part of Stroode: 

Messrs. W. Heath, G. Heath, G. Port, J. Budd, W. Suter, G. Loyd, E. Harris, B. Heath, S. Sepper, E. Port, and H. Waite.