CRICKET.—The return match between the Petersfield Young Club and the Liphook eleven took place on Petersfield Heath on Saturday, the 3rd inst. The weather was all that could be wished for, and the state of the game as follows:—Petersfield, 1st innings, 98; Liphook, 1st innings, 68; Petersfield, 2nd innings, 18, leaving 48 for Liphook to tie. Liphook took the willow, and brought up their lee way well, till the shades of evening coming on, brought the match to a close, with three wickets to go down and three runs to tie. During the match an occurrence took place which is rare in the annals of this manly and noble game, and we are induced to lay the case before cricketers, by way of example, for their judgment. It appears that one of the Liphook eleven had just obtained a run, and was given out by Port, the umpire; to this he demurred, but carried out his bat. In about three-quarters of an hour afterwards, without the least provocation, he struck Port across the hand and thigh with such force as to cause it to swell up to double its natural size. We trust never to see a repetition of such ungentlemanly conduct.