WE, the Barristers appointed for the year 1840 to REVISE the LISTS of VOTERS in the Election of Knights of the Shire for the NORTHERN DIVISION of the County of Hants, hereby give Notice,—That we shall make a CIRCUIT of the said Division, and shall hold Courts for the purpose of Revising such Lists, at the several times and places following:— 

     On TUESDAY the twenty-second day of September, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the CASTLE of WINCHESTER, for Revising the Lists of Voters for all parishes and places within the city of Winchester, and within the Winchester Division of the said county. 

     On MONDAY the twenty-eighth day of September, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the GUILDHALL, ANDOVER, for Revising the Lists of Voters for all parishes and places within the borough of Andover, and within the Andover Division of the said county. 

     On THURSDAY the first day of October, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at KINGSCLERE, for Revising the Lists of Voters, for the parishes and places within the Kingsclere Division of the said county. 

     On FRIDAY the second day of October, at ten o clock in the forenoon, at the TOWN HALL, BASINGSTOKE, for Revising the Lists of Voters for all parishes and places within the Basingstoke Division of the said county. 

     On SATURDAY the third day October, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the GEORGE INN, ODIHAM, for Revising the Lists of Voters for all parishes and places within the Odiham Division of the said county. 

     On MONDAY the fifth day of October, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the SWAN INN, ALTON, for Revising the Lists of Voters for all parishes and places within the Alton Division of the said county. 

     On TUESDAY the sixth day of October, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the TOWN HALL, PETERSFIELD, for Revising the Lists of Voters for all parishes and places within the borough of Petersfield, and within the Petersfield Division of the said county.

     On FRIDAY the ninth day of October, at twelve o'clock at noon, at DROXFORD, for Revising the Lists of Voters for all parishes and places within the Droxford Division of the said county; and for all other parishes and places (if any) in the Northern Division of the said county, not included within any of the Divisions before mentioned. 


     N.B.—The Overseers of the several parishes and places aforesaid are required by the Act 2nd Wm. IV., chap. 45, to attend the Barristers Courts, and to bring with them copies of the lists of persons objected to, and all notices of claims and objections which they have received.

     All persons, whether objected to or not, who are not correctly described in the Overseer's Lists, or whose qualifications are not properly stated therein, are recommended to attend before the Revising Barristers, and offer such evidence as may enable them to correct the said lists. 

Dated Sept. 10, 1840.