At the annual fair on Magdalen Hill, last week, there was a very short supply of cheese, caused by the establishment of the Bishopstoke and Salisbury cheese markets. The quantity pitched fell considerable short of twenty tons, being not a tenth of the average supply of this fair. There was not a single pile of cheese on the ground, and that which was there was brought in the Shaftesbury carts by small dealers, who reaped a capital harvest, selling their cheese at higher prices than that of the same quality might be bought retail in the shops of Winchester.— During the afternoon a fatal accident occurred to young woman named Jane Kelly, aged 18, who had come from Shirley to the fair to meet some friends from Portchester. It appears that she with her sister and some young friends, were racing on the down and as she was trying to catch her sister, she ran down the hill towards Ckilcombe, where it is very steep, and could not stop herself, but shortly before reaching the bottom she fell, and rolled into the Petersfield turnpike road, where she was taken up, quite dead, having dislocated her neck.