PETERSFIELD.]—Our obituary records the death of Mr. Thomas Tigg, superintendent of the Sunday School in connection with the Independent Chapel, Petersfield, upwards of 40 years, which office he filled with much honour to himself during the whole time. Increase of duties caused him to relinquish this important office about two years since. We hear that his remains are to be interred in the Nonconformist ground of the Petersfield cemetery during the ensuing week.

Portsmouth Times & Naval Gazette - Saturday 19 February 1859


     The remains of the late Mr. Thomas Tigg, whose death we alluded to last week, were on Wednesday conveyed from his residence at Steep, and deposited in their last resting place, the dissenting portion of the New Cemetery here. It was truly gratifying see the great number attending, whose ‟outward expression” showed strongly the ‟inward feeling” implanted in their hearts. How could it be otherwise? is a great question, soon to be answered! for it is evident that this mark of respect may attributed to the long and unvarying attention, which he had given to the Independent Sunday School, of which for more than 40 years he was superintendent and teacher. One hundred and fifty school children attended this last solemn ceremony, with twenty teachers, with a great number of friends of both sexes, who felt that this were rendering an act of justice to an honourable upright man, and good Christian.

Ancestry records a will