AT a MEETING of the COMMITTEE appointed to promote a SUBSCRIPTION for the Relief of the Sufferers by the violent Hail Storm of the 5th of July, 1836, held at the Council Chamber, Salisbury, on Thursday, the 18th instant:—

    It was reported by the Gentlemen who had been requested to value the damage, that's the estimated Amount of the Loss sustained by the several Applicants for Relief is £7,243 0s. 6d.

     It was thereupon resolved,—that the Applicants shall be divided into two classes; the first comprising Labourers, Cottagers, and Occupiers of not more than Ten Acres of Land; and that the Fund to be raised by the Subscription shall primarily be applied to the Relief of the Sufferers in that class; and the reminder for the Relief of the other Sufferers, according to the extent of their losses, and their relative situations in life.

     Subscriptions will be received at ... the following country banks ... Petersfield ...