On the 30th ult., aged 50, the Rev. Charles Gower Boyles, Rector of Buriton and Petersfield.

Hampshire Telegraph - Saturday 7 June 1845

     On Friday the 6th instant, the remains of the Rev. C. G. Boyles, rector of Buriton, with Petersfield, whose death we noticed last week, were insured at the former police. The funeral service was read by the Rev. H. J. Carter Smith, curate of Petersfield. It was at first intended that the funeral should be strictly private, but so high was the esteem in which the deceased was universally held, that a number of persons (among whom were the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, his two sons, and many of the neighbouring Clergy), expressed a desire to testify their respect by following his remains to their final resting place. Accordingly arrangements were made for conducting the funeral on a scale commensurate with the occasion: between 30 or 40 Clergymen were present, and also several of the neighbouring Gentry, and a very large number of parishioners—there could not have been less than 300 persons assembled. Many tradesmen and others, from Petersfield, attended, and almost every shop in the town was partially closed during the day. The loss which the poor has sustained in the death of this kind hearted and most excellent man is very great; his assiduously in attending to their spiritual interests was most exemplary, and his hand and purse were ever ready to relieve their temporal necessities; his constant aim was to do good; he was a liberal contributor to the schools and other parochial institutions; and his beneficence, although ample in its extent, was remarkably free from all ostentation.

Ancestry records the death as Charles George Boyles

and his birth & baptism