TAIT.—Aged 31, at Mollington Parsonage, Oxon, Martha Parr, wife of the Rev. T. H. Tait, and daughter of Robert Parsons, Esq., of Petersfield, Hants.
Morning Post - Saturday 17 July 1858
TAIT.—On the 9th inst., aged thirty-one, at Mollington Parsonage, Oxon, Martha Parr, the wife of the Rev. T. H. Tait, and daughter of Robert Parsons, Esq., of Petersfield, Hants.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 17 July 1858
July 9, aged 31, after a long illness, patiently borne, at Mollington Parsonage, Oxon, Martha Parr, the beloved wife of the Rev. T. H. Tait, and daughter of Robert parsons, Esq., of Petersfield, Hants
Ancestry shows the marriage of Thomas Henry Tait to Martha Parr Parsons