PETERSFIELD BANK.— In consequence of the very satisfactory arrangements which have been made relative to Messrs. Hector and Lacy, Petersfield and Hampshire Banking Establishment, preparations are making upon an extensive scale by many of the principal creditors of the late firm to invite the above gentlemen to a dinner on the 7th inst., at the Dolphin Hotel. Sir Harry Featherston, Bart., of Up-park, has in a most handsome manner engaged, unsolicited, to provide six fine does, and twelve pheasants and hares for the occasion. A military band will also be in attendance, and through the spirited exertions of the Committee, nearly 100 tickets have been disposed of in the town and adjacent villages. The leading concoctors of the mischief are quite chopfallen since the London and Joint Stock Banking Company have taken to the books of Messrs. Hector and Lacy, and paid all demands in full.