DREADFUL MURDER AND SUICIDE.—On Monday, the 2nd inst., the village of Headley near Petersfield, was the scene of a dreadful murder, followed by the suicide of the murderer. The following are the particulars, as far as they have transpired :—Abraham Keeling, a very dissipated man, 65 years of age, formerly landlord of the Holly Bush Inn, at Headley, murdered Esther Tullick, a servant girl 12 years old, in the service of Mrs. Wakeford, his daughter. It appears that the latter was absent from home at the time, and towards the evening Mr. Wakeford’s mother calling at the house to leave a cake, for the children, saw Keeling lying on the floor struggling with his throat cut; but before assistance could be obtained he was dead; and on making further search, the body of the poor girl was found in an adjoining room quite dead, with her throat cut. On Friday, a coroner’s inquest was held on the bodies by Mr. Shebbeare, at the house of Mr. Lickfold, farmer, &c., Headley. Several witnesses were examined but no clue could be obtained so as to lead to the cause which induced Keeling to murder the girl Tullick. The Jury returned a verdict of ‟Wilful Murder” against Keeling, whom they declared a felo-de-se . This dreadful tragedy has created a considerable degree of sensation in the neighborhood.