EASTER VESTRY.—At the annual vestry held on Friday (yesterday) Rev. J. M. Sumner in the chair, the Church-wardens’ accounts were examined and passed. Mr. Aldridge was appointed Churchwarden for Petersfield, and J. Light Esq., for Sheet. Dusty-field was let by the rector for sub-letting in allotments to the poor on the same terms as last year. Church Close was let to Mr. Geo. Etherington. W. Louch was re-appointed sexton and Charles Knight as pew-opener. The Churchwardens asked a twopenny rate, which was carried nem. con. The Auditors appointed to examine the accounts of the Burial Board, reported the same to be correct. It was resolved that the vacancies annually occurring in the Burial Board shall in future be filled up at the Easter Vestry instead of as heretofore at a special vestry, held in June. It was resolved that a box be provided for the safe preservation of the maps of Petersfield and Sheet and that the same be placed in the custody of the Churchwarden for the time being. A gratuity of two guineas was again voted to the vestry clerk for extra duties in connexion with the election of members of the Burial Board.